Monday Notes

Booker Little, Man Of Words. Improvisation in Aeolian mode

[Monday Notes no. 96] Booker Little in an interview declared: ‘the most important aspect of music is the emotional aspect’. You only need to listen to Man Of Words to realise that this was not a generic statement, but that Booker Little lived music in a truly intense and profound way.Continue readingBooker Little, Man Of Words. Improvisation in Aeolian mode

Monday Notes

Tommy Dorsey, I’m in a Dancing Mood. Jazz music for dance

[Monday Notes no. 74] The 1930s were the heyday of the great jazz dance orchestras. In the midst of the severe economic crisis, music had a consolatory function, providing cheap entertainment to forget the hardships of everyday life. Let us analyse a classic of the time, I’m In a Dancing Mood by Tommy Dorsey.Continue readingTommy Dorsey, I’m in a Dancing Mood. Jazz music for dance
