Online private piano lessons

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Online piano lessons are ideal if you have difficulty scheduling regular lessons at a music school, can’t reach a teacher in person, or have limited time to devote to music.

With online piano lessons you can take lessons whenever you want, at home, even in the evening or week ends. All you need is a computer, a webcam, an internet connection, and the desire to learn how to play! Skype piano lessons are convenient and affordable for everyone.

  • Do you play the piano and aren’t satisfied with your progress?
  • Do you play the same songs over and over and can’t progress?
  • Would you like to learn more difficult pieces, but don’t know how to tackle them?

Get help from an experienced music teacher.

There are no tricks or miracle methods to learn music, it takes time, commitment and the guidance of an experienced teacher. Sometimes, however, it is not easy to find a teacher close to home, often music schools have limited hours or impose a fixed schedule, which not everyone can respect.

In this case, online piano lessons can be a practical solution, allowing you to optimize your time by taking lessons when you can, without a fixed weekly commitment. Also, if you take piano lessons on Skype you don’t waste time physically going to the music school for your piano lesson, you meet the music teacher at your home, at the times that are most convenient for you.

Organize work… to improve faster

If you’re playing alone, you’ve most likely been running around in circles, playing the same things over and over again without improving. If you want to make progress the most important thing is to organize your work. You need to learn how to practice to overcome your limitations and play better and better.

That’s why my first goal is to establish a personalized study program with you, and then help you put it into practice. Instead of playing random songs, or jumping from one YouTube video to another trying to learn, I’ll provide the right pieces for you. Growing up will be easier and you will stop throwing away the precious time you dedicate to piano and music.

How online piano lessons work

1.The first meeting

First we’ll have a chat via Skype, I’ll ask you to tell me who you are, how long you’ve been playing and what your interests are. We can then decide together on a personalized study plan, based on your goals and the time you can dedicate to music. We will then meet for our first online lesson

3. The study materials

After over 25 years of teaching, my digital archive of books and sheet music is boundless. A lot of the material is original, written by me for my students. In addition to providing you with the right study materials for you, I will always be available to prepare exercises, recorded examples (audio and video), and worksheets to help you overcome difficulties. I’ll take care of the study materials, you won’t have to buy any more books and waste any more time: just start playing and improving.

2. The first lesson

In the first online piano lesson I will ask you to play what you already know. Thanks to the chat before the lesson, I will already have concrete study suggestions for you: books exercises, songs to study. In this way, at the end of the first piano lesson you will already know what you need to do to improve, you will start practicing piano with much clearer ideas.

4. Do you need help?

In between piano lessons, at any time you can email me or WhatsApp me if you encounter any particular difficulties or need advice and help. I’ll be happy to give you a hand and help you get back to work, without wasting time. I am always pleased when one of my students writes to me because they are having some difficulty: it means that they are practicing the piano and working hard to make progress.

About me

learn to play the piano with Leo Ravera

I started teaching when I was still a student and have never stopped, in over 25 years of teaching I have had students of all types and ages.

Whether I’m looking at an advanced student or an amateur, the pleasure of talking about music for me is always the same. Every person is different and has to make their own path, I try to adapt and be helpful.

My mission is not to impart knowledge, but to transmit passion. I’m lucky because I do a job that I love, and I would never get tired of talking about music. Online piano lessons are a way to make new friends, meet and help students in many different places.

If you need piano lessons on Skype, count on my help. Write to me and tell me what I can do for you. I’ll be waiting to hear from you!

Leo Ravera signing

Piano lessons for children, adults and seniors

Anyone can learn to play the piano, at any age. Of course, the teacher’s approach must be different and adapt not only to the age but also to the aptitude of the students. This is how my piano lessons for children, piano lessons for adults and, why not, piano lessons for seniors work.

Piano lessons for children

piano lessons for children

Music makes children grow, in many ways. Studying the piano helps them to develop concentration skills, coordination between the two hands and between eye and hand. Studying a musical instrument improves musicality, the sense of rhythm in general, and reinforces the relationship between body and mind.

It is not certain that a boy or girl will get interested in music, but it is definitely worth giving it a try. In my teaching approach, with children I always start with practice, without stressing them with music theory, which would be burdensome at the very beginning.

First of all, I try to nurture in them a passion for music. Music should be fun, a game with which children can learn new things, in a natural way.

Piano lessons for adults

Piano lessons for adults

An adult who starts playing the piano, or who resumes his studies after years, is more motivated than a child. Moreover, an adult has already learnt that the greatest results are achieved through perseverance and commitment.

Guiding an adult in the study of the piano means knowing how to adapt the teaching programme to his or her needs and musical tastes. In over 30 years of teaching, I have experimented with a wide variety of methods and books. I often like to write tailor-made exercises for each individual student to suit his or her taste.

Online piano lessons for adults must have one very important feature: they must be flexible. That is why I am available for lessons every day, even on holidays, and at any time.

Teaching music is an inspirational profession, and I am lucky to be able to do it online as well as in person. That’s why I don’t mind making myself available to my students and facilitating them as much as possible, also in terms of lesson hours.

Piano lessons for seniors

Piano lessons for seniors

I can’t stand anyone who says ‘you’re too old for that’, whatever they’re talking about. It is a particularly stupid phrase when talking about the piano. An old man has two of the indispensable requirements for learning to play the piano: free time and patience.

With my older students, I always try to propose a fun and simple programme of study, so that they make progress slowly, with pleasure and without stress. Those who start playing the piano when they retire, for example, do so because they love music and want to have fun. They do not want to become concert pianists.

Piano lessons for seniors should be a pleasure and should be soul enriching. Those who are a few years older know how important it is to do things that fulfil and complete us. Music is certainly one of the most beautiful.

Online piano lessons are right for you if…

lezioni di piano online - uno

Do you have little time for music but still want to improve, one step at a time?

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Do you struggle to find the right materials and organise effective work?

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Do you need encouragement and help to overcome laziness and apply yourself consistently?

Some topics of the online piano lessons

The technique

Technically, the piano is a much easier instrument than most. In order to play the piano correctly, you should try to keep your fingers slightly bent so that you press the keys with your fingertips and not with your fingers extended. You may find it a little difficult at first, but this will disappear after a few weeks. If you’re just starting out, I’ll take you through the online piano lessons step by step to get your hand position right.

A fundamental element of piano technique is relaxation. The hand and wrist must not be tense and nervous, while the fingers move to press the keys, the wrist must not have any muscular rigidity. Pressing the piano keys must be the result of a simple movement, without any movement of the arm and shoulders, which must remain relaxed.

Independence of the hands

The real difficulty in playing the piano is not in the technique but in the independence of the hands, that is, the need to play different things with both hands. Each hand of the pianist can play completely independent things, in a way it is as if each hand played an instrument by itself. For example, when the jazz pianist plays improvisation with the right hand and walking bass with the left, it is as if the pianist is doubling up, playing two independent parts. Online piano lessons also serve to help you overcome this difficulty, which usually leaves those who start playing the piano from scratch confused and overwhelmed.

Learning to read music

Learning to read music is fundamental because through reading the sheet music you can develop hand independence. The score is therefore a means, not an end, but it is a fundamental tool for those who begin to play the piano. That’s why, in your first online piano lessons, you’ll also learn how to read music – it’s a job we’ll do together and effortlessly.

Let’s get in touch

Would you like to schedule your first piano lesson on Skype or do you have any questions about online piano lessons? Write to me!
