Student reviews

This is what the students who took my music courses wrote


Leo is able to transmit knowledge in a clear and orderly manner

I have just finished studying the second part of the Harmony course. I would like to congratulate you on your extraordinary ability to transfer knowledge in a clear and orderly manner. I will now tackle the third part of the course. Kind regards.

Michele Romano

A clear and systematic approach

I had never studied harmony seriously before, the course has a clear and systematic approach which is particularly impressive and inviting. I particularly appreciated the notion of photo-negatives for rapidly finding triads in all tonalities. I'm doing the exercises on voice leading, at last, I'm beginning to gain some awareness of the tension-resolution relationships in the terms of the various cadences. Anyone who wants to (re)approach the study of harmony in a perfectly organised way might find it useful. Moreover, Leo is kind and helpful, ready to assist you with any clarifications.

Enrico Scerra

It relaxes me to do the video lessons

I had never studied the piano before, before purchasing the course t I tried to follow some courses on the internet, but after a few lessons I got lost and tired immediately because they were unclear to me, then I tried your free lessons and I was convinced.

They are very well done, the teacher explains very well, clearly and calmly, and I find the tone of his voice very reassuring. It relaxes me to do the video lessons.

From the very first lessons I understood several things that I hadn't understood before, even by reading beginners books. I recommend it because it is well done, well structured, explains in a clear and understandable way and easy to follow, even the website is very well done.


Doesn't promise miracles, I appreciated the sincerity

Before starting the lessons, I had never even put my hands on a keyboard. Of the video courses that I have had the opportunity to evaluate on the web, this is the only one that does not promise miracles or results in a few weeks. I am convinced that learning the difficult art of piano takes time and perseverance, I appreciated the sincerity. I have made more progress than I expected, even though I have just started. The lessons are clear and of progressive difficulty, so at the end of each lesson you can appreciate the progress made. I would recommend them because the results are constant and tangible, lesson after lesson.

Davide C.

Clear and concise explanations

Before I got to know your work, I lost two years following self-taught courses bought from music shops that deceive you with a few exercises to be able to play your favourite songs immediately. On You Tube many who pose as teachers, are just narcissists. I chose your lessons because they are very well done, the explanations clear and concise.

Marcello B.

It allows me to practice in my free time

It's my own goal, I don't want to prove anything to anyone and I have no ambition to play concerts. I have the opportunity to evaluate myself by playing together with the video, even if I don't always manage to reach the correct speed. I'm only at the beginning of the process, and I repeat every exercise so many times...

I thank you because this system of video lessons is very efficient, it allows me to practise in my free time, without fixed schedules, although I have found that it is better to practise daily.


I'm having a lot of fun...

I'm really enjoying the harmony course but above all it makes concepts clear to me that I heard in my ear but didn't know how to relate to each other.
Thank you very much for your quick support... A great added value compared to many other courses!

Aris Blancardi

I'm eager to learn!

Unfortunately, at the music school I attend, there was no harmony course dedicated to the over-50s! But at my age, I'm keen to learn! I clearly learned all the topics in the course. Especially the part related to cadences. I'm already recommending it, because I liked the clarity with which all topics are explained, even those apparently more difficult!


A valuable aid for beginners

I bought the course because I decided to join my local band and I needed to read music. I had never studied solfege before. I have made a lot of progress, I can now read music quite well and play the notes in the right time. For beginners like me it's really a precious help. Thanks Leo


I've put my knowledge in order

I had studied in an uneven way: some experience at the Conservatory, some private study with a teacher or by myself. The course seemed to me very clear and well structured. Above all, I put in order my knowledge on the subjects which were little structured. I would recommend it to everyone: for beginners and for those who need to organise their knowledge better. The most important point of these lessons is the didactic approach which is very effective.


Clarifying harmonic progressions and substitutions

I had studied harmony very badly, in a very confused way, I bought the course for its clarity! For me, as a novice in jazz improvisation, it is important to understand the harmonic patterns and basic harmonic substitutions! I have established a solid foundation! Now I know how to read the most popular standards, the first and simplest ones. Now I feel like they have no secrets anymore!

I recommend it to everyone, from beginners to professionals! Revisiting your footsteps helps you remember the basics of harmony and refreshes your ideas, especially when the person explaining it to you is an excellent pianist! I play saxophone, and I discovered for example the rules of higher harmony that I didn't know at all !!!! Superb!!!!


I learned musical harmony at last!

I studied harmony at a music Conservatory, but decided to buy the course because of the simplicity of the first lesson. By following the video lessons I learned musical harmony at last! I appreciated the clear exposition and the support offered. I recommend the course to all those who want to grasp the deep meaning of music, whether they are instrumentalists or simple "listeners".


It's like having the teacher at my side

I had never studied piano, my knowledge of music stopped at school age. I appreciated the simplicity and clarity in the exposition of the course, the video presentation of the teacher that does not create false illusions. I am very slow but steady, I have just finished the exercises for the right hand, before moving on I want to consolidate the work done. I would definitely recommend this course because the teacher is always present and available, I can work at my own pace and write him if I have any doubts, I feel like I'm being followed like an in-person course.

Rita Luisa Galliani

It works!

I had been taking lessons sporadically, to no avail. Now I can read the notes in the treble clef at a glance, thanks to the just-completed first part of the jazz solfeggio course. I just want to say one thing: It works! It's very well explained and invites you to go further. You just have to be consistent and practice half an hour a day.


The teacher answers each question in zero time

I had done a year of private lessons but a long time ago and I had a great desire to resume studying the piano, the video on youtube was convincing. The lessons are comprehensive and each exercise introduces a new element, so you learn gradually without great effort and without getting bored.

In a short time, practicing every other day, doing 2/3 exercises at a time, I'm already halfway through Beyer, I'm very satisfied and the progress comes quickly. It's really a serious course and the teacher is always available and answers every question in no time. Really good.


I immediately got improvements

I studied guitar as an autodidact but I had a lot of problems with reading. The video course is very well explained and, even though I just started, I immediately improved. I recommend it to all those who do not want to spend huge amounts of money for a private teacher, considering the hassle of going to lessons.

Fabio Paggi

Improvisation cannot be just instinct

I had never studied improvisation, I just improvised relying on chords and scales, but without any knowledge. I decided to try the video course because I like Leo's approach to music in general and his helpfulness. So far, I've found the lessons useful. They give you the idea that improvisation cannot be just instinct (at least for us "normal" people).

I am integrating my improvisation lessons with the harmony course. I just started the second level. I'm also learning to follow the rhythm well. If I sometimes get lost, I can easily find myself again. Be aware that to improvise you need to study, study and study, practise for hours and hours. Unless you are born with great musical talent...

Massimo Guerrini

I finally understand the concepts and contents

In the past I have never studied improvisation in a serious way. I tried to do something by being guided by jazz texts and manuals, then I decided to try the course because I was attracted by the extreme clarity of how it was set up and the fact that I can understand the concepts and content.

I have managed to play up to the fourth piece by heart and for me it is already a success, I can easily play the same pieces on the harmonic base masterfully prepared by Linda, I can understand and play all the exercises proposed and I can play some small improvisations on the roots notes and the chords.

I am appreciating the clarity of exposition of the content and therefore I have hope that sooner or later I will get some good results.
